The downfall of the Periclean kingdom, Greek states
The downfall of the Periclean kingdom had raised a pressing question. Will Athens gradually reconstruct her devastated troops and then resume the course of imperialistic expansion that had already brought her to the verge of destruction? Could a modus vivendi be created between Sparta, the dominant ruler of Greece, and the vanquished queen of the seas?
Is there a possibility of reaching a settlement that would provide both of the two major powers with sufficient space to exist and a shared objective that goes beyond their individual interests? The seasoned politicians persisted in adhering to conventional ideologies.
The downfall Greek states of the Periclean kingdom
The Greek states continued their Machiavellian power battles. The Corinthian war demonstrated their efforts to build a new power alliance, with a defense structure designed to neutralize Sparta. However, Isocrates made efforts to discover a means by which the excessive energy of the Greeks could be channeled. This would include pursuing either political or economic growth, which could also help to resolve the internal disputes among the frustrated Greek nations.
He strongly doubted the possibility of achieving eternal peace. However, witnessing the devastating consequences of war on the existence of every Greek city, both the victor and the vanquished, no educated individual could passively observe this esteemed nation gradually and continuously destroying itself. Individuals with benevolence and exceptional intellect believed it was their duty to uncover a remedy that would liberate the Greeks from the horrible spell that afflicted them. The occurrence of imperialism was unavoidable.
Then let it be directed towards other peoples who are inherently antagonistic to the Greeks and have a less advanced degree of civilization. The Greeks could no longer engage in this practice amongst themselves as the prevailing moral conscience of the time deemed it unacceptable.
In the end, it posed a danger not only to the subjugated nation, but also to the entire Greek population, with the prospect of total extermination. Harmony has long been lauded by poets and sophists as one of the most esteemed virtues. However, the complexity of this concept and its scope expanded when Aeschylus, in The Eumenides, portrayed the harmonious unity of citizens within a city as the divinely sanctified model for all political existence. The sole harmony that would be beneficial at this moment is one that encompasses all the Hellenes.